The Whisper

The universe is calling. You are here for a reason. Is this the beginning of your spiritual awakening? Your path toward self acceptance, grace, humility, and freedom from fear. Only you and the universe knows.
December 2023. This was the beginning of my spiritual awakening. I did not know it at the time.
A voice whispered to me and said, “This single moment in time is unlike in other moment in your life.” What a powerful statement for some of us. Those who search deep within ourselves to find our true purpose. The meaning of our existence and place in the universe. In reality most people don’t give it a single thought. Their minds are cluttered with the noise of everyday life. It drowns out the wonder of why? As an HSP, highly sensitive person and empath, I feel the noise. And it is crippling me.
We can all understand the pain associated with getting a bump on the knee. Most toddlers take those bumps with ease. They get up and continue on their way; as if nothing happened. I was not one of those children. When I fell, I stayed on the floor and cried. “Who am I kidding?” Sobbed is more like it. Once scorned, my environment frightened me. That is the metaphor of my life. I am different. I have always been, and will continue to be different. That difference separates me from those I love. And because of that separation they will never know the true me. That realization hurts me deeply.
For those of you who do not know me, moderation is not my strongest attribute. I’m an all or nothing kind of guy. If I eat cake, it will be the whole cake. One piece is never enough. One cigarette lead to millions and a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD.) And when I drank, boy oh boy, did I drink. “Yippie Ki-Yay,” that was my motto. I am extremely grateful to have overcome two of those vices. Just don’t ask me what happened to the box of fudge covered Ritz crackers I was saving for my father.
The voice whispered to me again. I suspect it came from my higher self. “Are you happy with your life?” And I thought, “I don’t have time for this…Get real…I’ve got laundry to do!” Most of the time I can barely come out of the house. Fear of the, “What if’s,” paralyzes me. Happy? Who’s truly happy? I do experience moments of happiness. Maybe that’s all I get and I should count my blessings. However, those moments do not sustain me. They keep me in a perpetual state of yearning.
Today, when I look out from my bedroom window everything is gray. I just want to crawl back into my bed and pull the covers up over my head. I am depressed, stressed and full of anxiety. I am on a downward spiral and my mental health is in rapid decline. I am angry, very angry. Not like, “Mass shooting,” you need to call the police type of angry. It’s more like the spitting hiss that comes from a pissed off tortoiseshell cat. I know it well. That’s my, “Mandy!” We have much in common. We both hiss a lot.
I need help desperately. I can’t keep doing the same thing day after day, and expect my circumstances to change. It’s foolish and counter productive. I’ve wasted so much time and I have been a fool far to long. I am the only constant in the equation. Its time for me to try something drastic and unconventional. What have I got to loose? So, today in this moment, I pledge to myself. I will no longer take a backset to my life. It’s time for me to take charge. I’m calling, “Shot gun!” I know… I know what you are thinking. Trust me, driving is not my forte.
Now that I have made my proclamation to the universe, what do I do? I googled, “Therapy.” I spent days scouring the internet and eventually settled on hypnosis. That doesn’t sound too bad in itself. No judgement from my friends there; at least not to my face. But QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, that is the crème de la crème.